The Unofficial Shelvoke & Drewry Website

This website was first created in the early summer of 2002 by Brian Carpenter to preserve the name, history and reputation of Shelvoke & Drewry Ltd., of Letchworth, Hertfordshire. U.K. who were manufacturers of municipal vehicles for almost 70 years.
    S&D logo

    This site is entirely the work of the author, but I unreservedly acknowledge my debt to Nick Baldwin and William Negus for their book Kaleidoscope of Shelvoke & Drewry (Marshall Harris & Balwin Ltd., 1980). The authors of that volume were able to draw upon memories of those who remembered the early days of the foundation of Shelvoke & Drewry in 1922, and so it has become an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to learn about S&D.

    As a result of this website the Shelvoke & Drewry Enthusiasts’ Club was formed as a means of contact between all those with an interest in the company. I hope you find the information you are seeking here. If not please e-mail me, and I’ll help if I can. Additional information about Shelvoke & Drewry is always very welcome.

    The old site

    S&D Old Site Banner

    Brian’s original site as it was left when he died can be seen at